Laparoscopic / Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
In this restricive procedure, the capacity of stomach is reduced to approximately 100ml, so the patient feels full early during a meal. It also shifts the hormonal balance so he/she feels less hungry between meals.
In LSG, the stomach is divided along the greater curvature to create a 60-100 ml sleeve of stomach using endoscopic staplers. The staple line is always oversewn for extra security and safety to prevent any leak or bleed from staple line. The integrity of the pouch is checked using per-operative gastroscopy. The excised portion of stomach is removed in a plastic bag. A small abdominal drain is usually left which is taken out after 48-72 hours.
In our own series of patients who underwent LSG, there is a weight loss to the tune of 70-95% of excess body weight. Resolution of Diabetes occurred in 78.94%, resolution of HTN occurred in 72%, and OSA improved in 93% patients. Mean Quality of life index improved from 2.7 to 8.2 (out of 10).